Committee to be set up to suggest establishment of Universities for Research & Innovation
The Government has decided to set up a Committee for suggesting changes to the provisions of the Universities for Research and Innovation Bill, 2012 and suggest a roadmap for future.
What does the ‘Universities for Research & Innovation Bill, 2012’ provides for?
The Bill provides for establishment and incorporation of Universities for Research and Innovation which would work towards making India a global knowledge hub. They would set benchmarks for excellence for other institutions of higher learning through path breaking works and by promoting teaching, learning and research.
What is the task before the Committee?
The Committee headed by Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Vice Chancellor, University of Hyderabad, has been set up for recommending changes to the provisions of the Universities for Research and Innovation Bill, 2012 and to suggest a roadmap for future.
Role of the Committee :
- To examine the report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development on the Universities for Research & Innovation Bill, 2012.
- It will also examine the modalities for establishment of Universities for Research and Innovation and suggest a road-map for establishment of such universities by reputed promoters.
- The Committee will also recommend changes in the provisions of the Bill, 2012 in the context of the observations/ comments of the PSC on HRD.
Month: Current Affairs - August, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News