Commission for the sub-categorisation of OBCs

In 2017, the President of India constituted a Commission under Chief Justice of Delhi High Court Justice G Rohini. The main objective of the commission was to prepare a report examining the OBC subcategories in the country. The President formed the commission using his powers under Article 340. The commission was to submit its report within 12 weeks. The work is still pending and the commission recently got a 14th extension.

Why sub – categorization?

Today the Other Backward Castes in the country receive 27% reservation in education and employment. There is a need for subcategorization as most of the reserved seats are grabbed by a few communities.

Current Scenario

In 2018, 10 OBC communities took 25% of the reserved quota on jobs and educational seats. 97% of the total seats reserved for the OBC communities had gone to these 10 communities alone!

Why the delay?

The commission found out that the data on the OBC population in India is limited. And the commission has to collect the complete data to sub-categorize the OBC communities. Initially, the data collection job was not given to the committee. Upon the request made by the committee to collect the data due to laggings, the Union Government extended its deadline.



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