CollabCAD software

The National Informatics centre and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) jointly launched the CollabCAD software.

About CollabCAD Software

The CollabCAD software provides engineering solution for students and Faculty of Engineering Graphics curriculum. It aims to provide a platform to students across the country to create and modify digital designs.

The aim is to provide a good platform to the students of Atal tinkering labs across the country. With the software the students of Atal tinkering labs will be able to create and modify 3D designs with free flow of creativity. It will enable students to create data across the network and access the same design data for storage and visualisation.

Key Features of CollabCAD software

  • The software runs on zone Linux and OS platform .
  • It is available in both standalone and client server mode.

Tinker from Home

The Tinker from Home Campaign was launched by the Atal tinkering lab programme to ensure that the children in India have access to easy to learn online resources. The objective is to use the creativity of children by encouraging self initiatio.

Atal Tinkering Labs

The Atal Tinkering Labs aim to “cultivate 1 million children in India as neoteric innovators”. The Atal innovation mission will provide one time establishment cost of 10 lakh rupees and operational expenses of another 10 lakh rupees to each Atal tinkering lab. This financial support will be provided for maximum period of 5 years.

Any school can set up Atal tinkering lab. The only criteria is that the applicant school should provide at least 1500 square feet of built up space. On the other hand, an applicant school in a hilly region or Island State should provide at least 1,000 square feet of built-up space.

ISRO role in Atal Tinkering Labs

Recently the Indian Space Research Organisation adopted hundred Atal tinkering Labs. This will promote scientific temperament among students and will encourage them to learn space related Technologies.


1 Comment

  1. Anu Nagra

    January 15, 2021 at 3:18 pm

    Informative S


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