Clinical Trials of mRNA HIV Vaccine

Phase 1 clinical trials for the evaluation of three HIV vaccines have been launched by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), United States.


  • These vaccines are based on a messenger RNA (mRNA) platform.
  • This is a technology that is used in several COVID-19 vaccines.
  • The study is being sponsored by NIAID is sponsoring the study and is named HVTN 302.
  • At the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle this trial is being conducted.

Working of the mRNA vaccines

An mRNA vaccine delivers a genetic material piece that instructs the recipient’s body to make the target pathogen’s protein fragment, which the body’s immune system recognizes as well as remembers. Due to this, the immune system can respond in an effective manner if it is later exposed to that pathogen.

About the study

The study named HVTN 302 study will be examining whether the three experimental HIV mRNA vaccines named BG505 MD39.3 gp151 mRNA, BG505 MD39.3 mRNA, and BG505 MD39.3 gp151 CD4KO mRNA are safe and whether an immune response is being induced by them. To conduct this study, 108 adults who are aged between 18 to 55 years will be enrolled. Via blood and lymph node fine-needle aspiration samples that will be taken at certain points of time throughout this trial, the immune responses will be examined. The participant’s safety will also be constantly monitored. By 2023 the clinical trials are expected to be completed.



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