Climate Equity Monitor

The Climate Equity Monitor is a website on global climate policy. Its web address is It provides information on climate actions of the signatories of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It was created by India.

About Climate Equity Monitor

  • It provides information on climate mitigations taken by different countries, climate policies, resource and energy consumption.
  • It will compare the actions of Annex-I and Non-Annex-I parties. There are 43 countries in Annex I and they are developed countries. The Non-Annex I countries are low-income developing countries. Annex I and Non-Annex-I are categories of COPs.
  • It was conceptualised by the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) and National Institute of Advanced Studies.
  • The website also provides analysis reports of the signatories of UNFCCC. The analysis is done based on two concepts. One is cumulative emissions and the other is carbon budget. Carbon budget is the amount of carbon dioxide emissions over a period of time. It is the amount that the humans can emit while still maintaining the global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius as compared to the pre-industrial levels.
  • The website monitors the signatories based on equity principle.
  • It will assess the signatories based on equitable sharing of global carbon budget.

How is Climate Equity Monitor different?

The already existing climate monitors assess the performances of UNFCCC based on the climate policies of global north. Such monitors do not address the aspects of equity. They burry the key issues. On the other hand, the climate equity monitor includes all the countries. The global north usually includes the developed countries such as USA, Russia, Israel, Japan, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Israel, European countries. It is not a geographical term. On the other hand, the Global South is made of developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, middle east, China, India, etc. The Global North-South divide is based on the socio-economic and political characteristics of the countries.

Benefits of Climate Equity Monitor

It will help to learn about the global carbon budget. The monitor helps to build awareness especially in global south. The climate action is a global problem and it is essential for every human to participate in the actions. The monitor helps to bring behavioural change. It will act as valuable tool for the researchers, public institutions, policy makers.

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