Chinese scientists discover XMU-MP-1 molecule to repair organs

Chinese scientists have discovered a small molecule (new drug) named XMU-MP-1 that can regenerate tissue. It has potential to eliminate transplants of some organs.
It was discovered by team of researchers from Xiamen University and  Peking University of China. The findings were published in Science Translational Medicine.
Key Facts

  • The drug, XMU-MP-1 can promote repair and regeneration in the liver, intestines and skin.
  • It was found that it has ability to inhibit the activity of two enzymes MST1 and MST2, the central component of this pathway which normally prevent cells from proliferating.
  • By inhibiting the activity of MST1/2, XMU-MP-1 can promote cell growth in four different mouse models with acute injuries.
  • For this research purpose, researchers had specifically targeted a critical signalling molecule in the Hippo pathway, which controls organ size and growth.

Significance: This study paves the way for medicines that help to rebuild organs instead of relying on complicated therapeutic strategies such as regenerative cells to specific spots and delivering biomaterials in the body to repair and restore injured tissue.


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