Chinese Satellite Discovers New Solar Atmospheric Rotation Pattern

Chinese scientists using the Chinese H-alpha Solar Explorer (CHASE) telescope have found a new pattern of how the sun’s atmosphere rotates. According to the prestigious magazine Nature Astronomy, this new discovery is the first accurate three-dimensional picture of how the sun’s atmosphere rotates.

Introduction to CHASE

China’s H-alpha Solar Explorer (CHASE) is a satellite project that was made to look at the sun. Its main goal is to help us learn more about how the sun works by focusing on its magnetic activity and how its atmosphere behaves.

Discovery of a New Solar Rotation Pattern

Because CHASE has so many advanced features, the study team was able to make an accurate map of how the solar atmosphere rotates. Before this, experts didn’t know much about the patterns of rotation. The newest discoveries point to a more complicated way for the sun to rotate than was thought before. This could have big effects on how we understand solar physics and how we predict space weather.

Impact and Significance

This discovery not only helps us learn more about how the sun works, but it might also help make space weather forecast models better. Predictions like these are very important for keeping track of satellite safety and communication systems, which can be affected by what’s going on in the sun. The new ideas that came out of this study could help make plans for protecting against problems caused by the sun better.

About Chinese H-alpha Solar Explorer (CHASE)

The Chinese H-alpha Solar Explorer (CHASE), which is also called the Kuafu-1 satellite, is a groundbreaking project that China started to look at solar flares and other things going on in the sun. The H-alpha spectral line is used by CHASE, which was launched in 2022 to keep an eye on the solar chromosphere. Using a Fine Guidance Telescope for very accurate tracking, it makes a big difference in our understanding of how the sun works and in the accuracy of space weather predictions. The mission, which is set to last five years, works closely with other world monitoring networks to provide a fuller picture of the sun.



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