China’s Newly Amended Anti-Espionage Law

China’s newly amended security law, which came into effect on July 1, has raised concerns regarding its potential impact on businesses operating in the country. The counter-espionage law, passed by the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, aims to safeguard national security by addressing espionage and spying activities. However, the broad scope and ambiguities of the law have raised uncertainties and potential risks for foreign companies, journalists, academics, and researchers.

Understanding the Amended Law

The amended law specifies acts of espionage, including carrying out cyber attacks against state organs, confidential organs, or crucial information infrastructure. It broadens the definition of targets of espionage to include all documents, data, materials, and articles related to national security and interests. This expansion has led to concerns about the government’s authority to demand access to private information and the classification of research work or due diligence as espionage.

Risks and Uncertainties for Businesses

The US National Counterintelligence and Security Centre (NCSC) has highlighted potential legal risks and uncertainties for foreign businesses operating in China. Ambiguities within the law can subject any documents, data, materials, or items to be considered relevant to China’s national security, creating challenges for companies conducting research or due diligence. The lack of a clear definition of espionage further adds to the concerns, leaving businesses vulnerable to potential legal consequences.

Incidents Involving Foreign Businesses

Recent incidents involving foreign businesses have heightened concerns regarding the impact of the law. The raid on consultancy firm Bain & Co.’s Shanghai office, detention of Chinese staff from the Mintz Group, and the arrest of a Japanese employee of Astellas Pharma Inc. on alleged spying charges exemplify the risks faced by businesses operating in China.



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