China’s new border dispute with Bhutan

China is now claiming the Sakteng wildlife sanctuary in Eastern Bhutan to be part of its territory.

What is the issue?

The boundary between China and Bhutan has never been demarcated. For a long time, the countries have disputes over central, eastern and western sectors. China has recently been attempting to stop the funding for the Sakteng sanctuary from United Nations Development Programme-Global Environment Facility Council. However, the attempts were overruled.

Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary

The sanctuary borders Arunachal Pradesh of India. It is one of the protected areas of Bhutan.

Global Environment Facility

The facility was established in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit. The issue was raised at the GEF council that was held recently. It is a financial organization that provides grants to climate change, biodiversity, international waters, sustainable cities, sustainable forest management, etc.


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