China constructing a huge Observatory to probe origins of Cosmic Rays
The Chinese scientists are constructing a huge cosmic ray observation station that is equivalent to 200 soccer fields in Sichuan province. The observatory is located 4,400 meters above sea level.
Key Facts
- The rocks from Ice Age were blasted for the construction
- Three huge underground pools more than triple the size of Aquatic centers are to hold the detectors. The detectors collect high energy photons generated by remote celestial bodies
- Around 12 telescopes are to be erected to conduct high-precision measurement of cosmic rays
- The observatory is named as “Large High-Altitude Air Shower Observatory” (LHAASO). The project is to be completed by 2020.
- The main objective of the observatory is to study the origin of cosmic rays, their acceleration and transmission mechanism.
- Research teams from Australia and Thailand are directly participating in the project.
Cosmic Rays are atom fragments that rain down on the surface of the earth from the outer space. The study on Cosmic rays are important as they carry source of information about the origin of the universe. The cosmic rays can also be used for applications outside astronomy. In 2017, a team of scientists found a void at the The Great Pyramid of Giza using cosmic rays.
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2019