Chauri Chaura Incident 1922

The Non-cooperation movement was on its pinnacle in all of north India. In South, though it was luke warm. On February 4, 1922, a mob of 2000 people gathered to picket a liquor shop at Chauri Chaura, a town near Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. The local administration sent armed police to control the situation. The Police, tried to disperse the crowd by firing two shots in air. So stone pelting started. The police fired and killed 3 people. The result was that outrageous mob set the Police Chauki on fire an d all 23 Police wallas inside got burnt alive.

On 12 February 1922, when the Congress leaders met at Bardoli, Gandhi decided to withdraw the Noncooperation movement. It was a bit controversial but by that time Gandhi’s figure was respected by every Congressman. Thus, they accepted this decision, but they got demoralized and disintegrated. Gandhi was arrested on 10 March 1922 and trial led at Ahmadabad. A simple prison of 6 years was awarded to him.

Chauri Chaura Incident and Swaraj Party

Chauri Chaura incident led Gandhi to call off the Non Cooperation Movement from Bardoli in February 1922. The event led to a Schism in the Congress Party when one faction of the leaders established the Congress-Khilafat-Swarajya Party. Moti lal Nehru, C R Das, N C Kelkar, GS Gharpade and S Srinivas who founded the Swaraj party were in frustration due to sudden withdrawal of NCM by Gandhi via the Bardoli resolution on 12.2.1922. But as none of them was capable to lead such a large scale movement, they decided swaraj within the British Raj and that ‘s what led them to contest the elections and win some handsome number of seats.


  1. Pragati Gupta ?

    January 21, 2018 at 12:11 pm

    Nicely and legibly written

  2. manash

    March 30, 2018 at 6:11 am

    nice….its very helpful…

  3. Khilanand Joshi

    April 30, 2018 at 2:46 am

    Request you to check if it 4 February is correct or 5 February? As I am confused after reading other books.

  4. Shubham Mani Tripathi

    June 17, 2018 at 11:21 am

    At chauri chaura sahid smarak 4 feb is mentioned .
    Where 5 feb is mentioned on govt documents.


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