Central Food Technological Research Institute

Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore is one of the laboratories of CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial research), New Delhi. It was established in 1950 as a premier institute to pursue in-depth research and development in the areas of food science and technology.

Contribution to Food Security and Food Safety

CFTRI has been here for 60 plus years and the Institute has contributed significantly over the years towards food security and food safety. Some of the innovative products that have emerged from the Institute include Amul baby food, parboiling of rice, Energy food, Oleoresins, Spirulina cultivation, Health oil etc.

The Institute is also in the forefront in human resource development as the Institute offers Doctoral degree in biological and chemical sciences, post-graduate programme in Food technol- ogy, Certificate programme in milling technology and number of short-term courses targeted to entrepreneurs and professionals throughout the year. As a premier R&D laboratory, CSIR-CFTRI is involved closely in framing and assisting regulatory aspects as well, both at national and international level.

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