CeNS Heavy Metal Sensor

The Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences has developed a portable sensor for heavy metal detection in water.

About the Sensor

The Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) has developed a solid state sensor for detection of lead contamination in water. It is a portable sensor that can be used even in remote areas. The sensor consists of manganese doped zinc sulphide quantum dots and reduced graphene oxide on a glass substrate. The quantum dots are excited by handheld UV light of 254 nm which makes it luminescent. The sample is then introduced. If the sample contains lead, the luminescence is quenched.

Quantum Dots

Quantum dots are nano-sized semiconductor materials that works on the principles of quantum mechanics. Their optical and electronic properties are different from the bulk version of the semiconductor. They are sometimes called ‘artificial atoms’. Some of the applications of quantum dots include LEDs, solar cells, medical imaging, lasers, quantum computing, etc.

Lead Contamination in Water

Lead is an important heavy metal contaminant in water, apart from cadmium and mercury. It has a tendency to bio-accumulate in the body and cannot be easily removed by chemical or biological detoxification. Lead contamination in drinking water leads to its storage in the bones and teeth over time. All exposure levels are known to be harmful to humans.

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