GK Questions 2025 for SSC Examinations
Below is the archive of Topic wise GK Questions for SSC, SSC-CGL, Railways and all State PCS (Civil Services) Competitive Examinations of India. Each General Knowledge Test Quiz has 5 questions on various static General Knowledge Subjects to supercharge your knowledge on GK/ General Studies / General Awareness section of various competitive exams. These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ GK Questions Course in GKToday Android Application which provides more than 35K questions with explanations suitable for all one day exams of India.
Ancient Indian History
- 1. Prehistoric India
- 2. Indus Valley Civilization
- 3. Rig Vedic Society, Economy, Polity & Religion
- 4. Rig-Vedic Literature
- 5. Later Vedic Society, Economy, Polity & Religion
- 6. Later Vedic Literature
- 7. Rise of Jainism
- 8. Rise of Buddhism
- 9. Ajivikas and Other Ascetics
- 10. Ancient Republics of India
- 11. Sixteen Mahajanapadas
- 12. Magadha Empire
- 13. Invasion of Alexander on India
- 14. Maurya Empire- Chandragupta and Bindusara
- 15. Maurya Empire- Ashoka
- 16. Administration of Mauryas
- 17. Mauryan Culture, Society and Economy
- 18. Shungas, Kanvas and Mahameghavanas
- 19. Changes in Post-Mauryan times
- 20. The Indo-Greek rulers
- 21. The Shakas Rulers & Satrap System
- 22. The Satavahanas
- 23. Kushana Empire
- 24. Gupta Empire- Political History
- 25. Gupta Empire- Society, Religion, Literature
- 26. Gupta Polity, Economy, Numismatics
- 27. Gupta Art, Architecture
- 28. Vakatakas, Maitrakas and Mukharis
- 29. Era of Harsha
- 30. Early Medieval North India
- 31. Early Medieval South India
- 32. Early Medieval Society & Religion
- 33. Changes in Indian Economy (600-1000 AD)
- 34. Art and Architecture of India (600-1000 AD)
- 35. The Rashtrakutas
- 36. The Chalukyas
- 37. The Pallavas
- 38. The Cholas
- 39. Pandya Kingdom
- 40. Sangam Age
Medieval Indian History
- 1. Sources of Medieval Indian History
- 2. Medieval Indian Coins and Coinage
- 3. Indian Society & Economy in Early Medieval Period
- 4. Initial Invasions of Arabs and Turks
- 5. Mahmud of Ghazni
- 6. Muhammad Ghori & Foundation of Delhi Sultanate
- 7. Mamluk dynasty (1206–90)
- 8. Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)
- 9. Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1413)
- 10. Sayyid and Lodi Dynasties
- 11. Lodi Dynasty (1451–1526)
- 12. Decline of Delhi Sultanate and Rise of Provincial Kingdoms
- 13. Delhi Sultanate: Polity, Administration & Economy
- 14. Delhi Sultanate: Architecture, Arts and Culture
- 15. Vijayanagara Empire
- 16. Deccan Sultanates: Bahmani, Ahmadnagar, Berar, Bijapur, Golconda, Bidar
- 17. Bhakti & Sufi Movements
- 18. Mughal Empire: Political History
- 19. Mughal Empire: Polity, Administration & Economy
- 20. Mughal Empire: Society, Culture, Arts, Architecture & Literature
- 21. Maratha Empire
Modern Indian History
- 1. Various States in India in 18th century
- 2. Socio-economic Condition in 18th century India
- 3. Beginning of European Trade
- 4. Dutch and Danes Companies
- 5. British East India Company – Initial Days
- 6. French East India Company
- 7. British Conquest & Annexation of Territories Till 1857
- 8. East India Company Rule – Revenue, Reforms Etc.
- 9. EIC – Internal Administration & Regulation
- 10. Resistance Before 1857
- 11. The Revolt of 1857
- 12. British Raj – Viceroys of India [1858-1947]
- 13. British Raj – Provincial Administration
- 14. Relations with Princely States
- 15. Judicial Developments during British Era
- 16. Constitutional and Legislature Developments
- 17. Development of Civil Services
- 18. Development of Police and Military
- 19. British Frontier Policy
- 20. Economic Policies and Impacts
- 21. Development of Education
- 22. Development of Infrastructure
- 23. Famines and other Natural Disasters
- 24. Indian Press & Literature in British Era
- 25. Socio-Religious Reform Movements
- 26. Freedom Struggle – Important Organizations
- 27. Freedom Struggle – Important Events [1905-1947]
- 28. Freedom Struggle – Freedom Fighters & Leaders
- 29. Mahatma Gandhi – Life, Role and Philosophy
- 30. Subhash Chandra Bose and Azad Hind
- 31. Communalism & Pakistan Movement
- 32. Peasant & Tribal Movements 1857-1947
- 33. Working Class & Left Movements
Indian Polity & Constitution
- Historical Background
- Constituent Assembly & Making of the Constitution
- Salient Features of the Constitution
- Preamble of the Constitution
- Union and its Territory
- Citizenship & Citizenship Laws
- Fundamental Rights
- Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties
- Amendment of Constitution and Basic Structure Doctrine
- Important Amendment of Constitution
- System of Government in India
- President
- Vice-President
- Prime Minister & Union Council of Ministers
- Parliament
- Parliamentary Committees, Forums and Parliamentary Group
- Supreme Court, Review, Activism, PIL
- State Government – Governor
- Chief Minister & State Council of Ministers
- State Legislature: Assemblies & Legislative Councils
- High Courts & Subordinate Courts
- Special Provisions for Various States
- Centre-State Relations & Inter-state Relations
- Emergency Provisions
- Evolution of Panchayati Raj
- Rural Local Government
- Urban Local Government
- Union Territories
- Scheduled and Tribal Areas
- Overview of Various Bodies in India
- Finance Commissions [Central & States]
- Election Commission [Central & States]
- Elections & Election Laws in India
- Public Service Commissions [Central & States]
- Public Services in India
- Various National Commissions
- RTI and Information Commissions
- Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)
- Attorney General, Advocate General and other Law Officers
- Planning Commission & NITI Aayog
- Central Vigilance Commission & CBI
- Lokpal & Lokayuktas
- GST and GST Council
- 97th Amendment and Co-operative Societies
- Provisions Related to Languages
- Tribunals
- Rights and Liabilities of the Government
- Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes
- Important Provisions of IPC and CrPC
- Important Laws on Consumer Protection
- Important Laws on Corruption
- Important Laws on Crime and Terror
- Important Laws on Education
- Important Laws on Environment & Forests
- Important Laws on Finance & Financial Crimes
- Important Laws on Healthcare
- Important Labour and Personnel Laws
World & Physical Geography
- Introduction to Geography and Geographers
- Astronomy – Universe, Constellations & Galaxies, Stars
- Solar System and Planets
- Geology – Earth Movements, Latitude, Longitude and Time
- Geology Geological Time Earths Internal Structure
- Geology – Rocks, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes
- Physical Geography – Weathering, Mass wasting and Erosion
- Physical Geography – Various Landforms
- Physical Geography – Important Archipelagos, Coral Reefs, Atolls
- Physical Geography – Important Islands, Gulfs, Bays, Isthmuses, Glaciers, Canyons
- Physical Geography – Important Rivers, River Islands, Deltas and Lakes
- Physical Geography – Important Coasts and Beaches
- Physical Geography – Important Mountain Ranges, Mountains, Hills, Plateaus, Mountain Passes, Volcanoes
- Physical Geography – Important Plains and Deserts
- Physical Geography – World Soils, Major Biomes
- Climatology – Climatic Classification
- Climatology – Atmosphere, Winds, Humidity, Clouds, Rainfall
- Climatology – Air Masses, Fronts, Cyclones and Related Phenomena
- Oceanography – Major Oceans, Ocean Bottom Relief, Ocean Deposits
- Oceanography – Ocean Temperature, Density, Salinity
- Oceanography – Coral Reefs, Tides and Waves
- Oceanography – Ocean Currents, Coastal Climate
- Human Geography – Human Evolution, Races, Tribes of World
- Human Geography: Population, Demography, Migration, Settlements, Urbanization
- Economic Geography – Hunting, Pastoral Herding, Fishing, Aquaculture, Forestry
- Economic Geography – Agriculture, Livestock Ranching, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farming, Plantation Crops
- Economic Geography – Minerals and Mining Activities
- Economic Geography – Manufacturing Industries
- Economic Geography – Service Industries, Quaternary Activities
- World Geography – Continents and Country Trivia
Indian Geography
- 1. Location, Extent, Administrative, Physiographic Divisions of India
- 2. Geology, Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes in India
- 3. Plains, Deserts of India
- 4. Mountains, Glaciers, Mountain Passes, Hill Stations, Plateaus of India
- 5. Islands, Coral Reefs, Mangroves, Coasts, Beaches
- 6. Drainage System, Rivers, Lakes, Waterfalls, Other Water Bodies
- 7. Climate, Climatic Regions, Rains, Monsoon, Winds in India
- Indian Geography – Soils, Natural Vegetation, Forests
- Indian Geography – Mines, Minerals, Coal, Coal Fields, Oil & Natural Gas
- Indian Geography – Thermal Energy, Hydroelectricity, Nuclear and Non-conventional Power Resources
- Indian Geography – Agriculture, Irrigation, Water Resources
- Indian Geography – Industries, Industrial Cities
- Indian Geography – Transport – Roads, Railways, Ports, Shipping, Air & Inland Water Transport
- Indian Geography – Demography, Population, Census, Races, Tribes, Languages, Settlements
International Organizations, Defence, Books & Authors, World History
- Important Days and Years
- International Organizations
- Defence & Security of India
- Books and Authors General Knowledge Questions
- Ancient World History
- Medieval World History
- Modern World History
- Discoveries & Inventions
Indian Economy
- 1. Important Concepts in Micro & Macroeconomics
- 2. Notable Economists – India and World
- 3. Economies: Types, Sectors, Branches
- 4. Indian Economy: History & Salient Features
- 5. Economic Planning, Planning Commission, NITI Aayog
- 6. Agriculture, Irrigation, Seeds, Fertilizers and other Inputs
- 7. Crops & Cropping Patterns, Food grains production and Management
- 8. Oil Seeds, Horticulture and Plantation Crops
- 9. Dairy, Poultry, Fisheries, Forestry and other allied sectors
- 10. Agro-based Industries, Agro-marketing, Food Processing Industries
- 11. Agriculture Policy, Green Revolution and Rainbow Revolution
- 12. Industries: Types, Policies and Industrial Production Data
- 13. Automobiles Industry
- 14. Cement Industry
- 15. Chemical & Petrochemical Sector
- 16. FMCG and Consumer Durables Sectors
- 17. Engineering and Capital Goods Sector
- 18. Gems and Jewellery Industry
- 19. Metals and Mining Sector
- 20. Oil and Gas Sector
- 21. Pharmaceuticals Industry
- 22. Real Estate & Construction Sector
- 23. Steel Industry
- 24. Textiles Industry
- 25. Sugar Industry
- 26. Pulp and Paper Industry
- 27. Education and Training Industry
- 28. Healthcare Services Industry
- 29. IT & ITeS Sector
- 30. Media and Entertainment Sector
- 31. Retail & Wholesale Trade
- 32. Telecommunications Sector
- 33. Tourism and Hospitality
- 34. Research & Development Sector
- 35. Money Markets & Monetary Policy
- 36. Capital Markets & Debt Markets
- 37. Banking, Finance and Insurance Sectors
- 38. Infrastructure Sector and Policy
- 39. Transport Sector
- 40. Energy Sector and Policy
- 41. Fiscal Policy, Budget, India's debt
- 42. India's Tax Regime
- 43. Foreign Trade – Policy, Balance of Trade, Balance of Payment, WTO
- 44. Forex Reserves of India and Forex Management
- 45. India and World Bank & IMF MCQs for SSC Examination
- 46. Foreign Investments in India MCQs for SSC Examination
- 47. Economic Growth, Development, Inclusive Growth MCQs for SSC Examination
- 48. Socio-economic Issues MCQs for SSC Examination
- 49. Labour Related Issues and Reforms MCQs for SSC Examination
- 50. Inflation and Price Rise MCQs for SSC Examination
Indian Culture
- Indian Culture: 01-Religion and Philosophy
- Indian Culture: 02-Indian Paintings
- Indian Culture: 03-Indian Folk Paintings
- Indian Culture:04-Sculpture
- Indian Culture:05-Ancient Architecture
- Indian Culture:06-Medieval Architecture
- Indian Culture:07-Modern Architecture
- Indian Culture:08-Indian Classical Dance
- Indian Culture:09-Indian Folk Dances
- Indian Culture:10-Indian Classical Music
- Indian Culture:11-Indian Folk Music
- Indian Culture:12-Fairs and Festivals
- Indian Culture:13-Sports and martial arts
- Indian Culture:14-Theatre and Cinema
- Indian Culture:15-Folk Theatre
- Indian Culture:16-Puppetry Art
- Indian Culture:17-Television and Media
- Indian Culture:18-Family and Marriage
- Indian Culture:19-Indian Cuisine
- Indian Culture:20-Handlooms and Handicrafts
- Indian Culture:21-Indian Clothing and Textiles
- Indian Culture:22-Languages
- Indian Culture:23-Literature – Ancient & Medieval
- Indian Culture:24-Modern Indian Literature
- Indian Culture:25-Literature – Regional Languages
- Indian Culture:26: Indian Cultural Heritage Sites and Landmarks
- Indian Culture:27: National Insignia
Computers and IT
- 1. Computers – Introduction, History, Types
- 2. Computer Components: Hardware
- 3. Computer Components: Software, OS and Programming Languages
- 4. Database Management
- 5. Computer Networks, Networking Technologies & Devices
- 6. Wired, Wireless Technologies, Internet, Browsers, Apps, Cloud Computing
- 7. Websites, Blogs, Search Engines & Social Media
- 8. Microsoft Windows & Office
- 9. Computer Security – Various Attacks and Malware
- 10. Application of Computers and IT in Various Fields
Environment & Biodiversity
- 1. Introduction to Environment & Ecology
- 2. Biomes and Biogeographic regions of World
- 3. India's Biogeographic Regions
- 4. India'\’s Forest, Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs
- 5. Fauna and Flora of the World
- 6. Flora and Fauna of India
- 7. Environment Conservation Treaties and Organizations
- 8. National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries of World
- 9. National Parks, Wildlife Areas of India
- 10. Environment Related Laws in India
- 11. Pollution and Pollution Control
- 12. Various Topics on Climate Change
- 13. Sustainability
- 14. Disaster Management
- 15. Environment Impact Assessment
- 1. Introduction & Branches of Biology
- 2. Important Biologists
- 3. Classification of Organisms
- 4. Cell Biology & Organelles
- 5. Biomolecules & Bio-chemistry
- 6. Viruses
- 7. Overview of Plant Kingdom
- 8. Bacteria
- 9. Algae & Fungi
- 10. Mosses and Bryophytes
- 11. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms
- 12. Morphology and Adaptations in Higher Plants
- 13. Plant Tissues
- 14. Photosynthesis, Respiration and Nutrition in Plants
- 15. Growth in Plants
- 16. Reproduction in Plants
- 17. Plant Products and Parts
- 18. Plant Diseases
- 19. Overview Animal Kingdom
- 20. Lower animals & Invertebrates
- 21. Fishes & Mollusks
- 22. Amphibians
- 23. Reptiles
- 24. Birds
- 25. Mammals
- 26. Useful Animal Products
- 27. Human Body – Important Tissues and Skin
- 28. Human Body – Brain & Nervous System
- 29. Human Body – Senses – Eyes, Ears and Nose
- 30. Human Body – Muscles and Bones
- 31. Human Body – Blood, Circulation and Immune System
- 32. Human Body – Urinary System
- 33. Human Body – Respiratory System
- 34. Human Body – Digestive System
- 35. Human Body – Endocrine System
- 36. Human Body – Reproductive System
- 37. Animal Diseases
- 38. Human Diseases
- 39. Genetics, Inheritance and Evolution
- 40. Biofertilizers and Biofuels
- 41. Biotechnology, GMOs and Recent Developments in Biology
- Chemistry-1: Important Chemical Scientists
- Chemistry-2-Matter and Its States
- Chemistry-3-Elements
- Chemistry-4-Compounds
- Chemistry-5-Mixtures
- Chemistry-6-Minerals and Ores
- Chemistry-7-Atomic Structure
- Chemistry-8-Radioactivity
- Chemistry-9-Periodic Table
- Chemistry-10-Chemical Bonds
- Chemistry-11-Chemical Reactions
- Chemistry-12-Acids, Bases and Salts
- Chemistry-13-Electrochemistry
- Chemistry-14-Organic Chemistry Basics
- Chemistry-15-Hydrocarbons & Fuels
- Chemistry-16-Plastics & Polymers
- Chemistry-17-Important Metals
- Chemistry-18-Important Non-Metals
- Chemistry-19-Soaps & Detergents
- Physics GK 01 – Introduction to Physics
- Physics GK 02 – Units
- Physics GK 03 – Kinematics
- Physics GK 04 – Motion & Friction
- Physics GK 05 – Work, Energy and Power
- Physics GK 06 – Gravitation
- Physics GK 07 – Satellites
- Physics GK 08 – General Properties of Matter
- Physics GK 09 – Pressure
- Physics GK 10 – Floatation
- Physics GK 11 – Surface Tension & Capillarity
- Physics GK 12 – Density
- Physics GK 13 – Viscosity
- Physics GK 14 – Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
- Physics GK 15 – Mechanical & Electromagnetic Waves
- Physics GK 16 – Sound Waves
- Physics GK 17 – Heat & Heat Transmission
- Physics GK 18 – Thermodynamics
- Physics GK 19 – Light and Human Eye
- Physics GK 20 – Electricity
- Physics GK 21 – Electrochemical Cell
- Physics GK 22 – Magnetism
- Physics GK 23 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics Basics
- Physics GK 24 – Electronics Basics