Buying Motive: Meaning and Classification

The basis of modern marketing activities is the slogan, “Consumer is the king of market”. A customer purchases the goods and services due to several motives such as physical, social and economical forces that create a need or a desire for the product. The marketing manager can be successful in selling his products only when he identifies these forces. For example, in winter seasons we are motivate to purchase the woolen clothes to protect from the cold. Similarly, we are motivated to purchase the coolers in summer season to get the relief from the hot. These forces are known as buying motives. Thus, a buying motive is the force for the satisfaction of which a customer purchases some goods and services. In simple words, buying motive is the reason why a consumer purchases a good.



The term ‘Buying Motive’ has been defined as under:

  • William J. Stanton: “A motive may be defined as a drive or an urge for which an individual seeks satisfaction. It becomes a buying motive when the individual seeks satisfaction through the purchase of something.”
  • S. Davar: “A motive is an inner urge that moves or prompts a person to some action.”
  • Berelson and Steiner: “A motive is the inner state that energizes, activates or moves and that directs or channels behaviovr towards goals.”
  • Prof D.J. Duncan: Buying motives are those influences or considerations which provide the impulse to buy, induce action and determine choice in the purchase of goods and services.”

Classification of Buying Motives

According to Malvin S.Hatrick, the buying motives are classified into following ways:

Primary buying motives

These are those motives which are necessary for human life such as food and drink, comfort, welfare of beloved ones, freedom from fear and danger, social approval, etc. Because of these needs, consumers get motivated to purchase the goods and services.

Secondary buying motives

These are those motives which are influenced by the society such as bargaining, information, cleanliness, efficiency, convenience, love and affection, style and beauty, economy & profit, curiosity, etc. It is created after fulfilling the basic needs.

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