BRO constructs permanent bridge across Ravi river

The Border Roads Organization has completed the construction of permanent bridge across Ravi river. The Kasowal bridge will help Punjab farmers to transport their harvest comfortably.


The construction of the bridge has been completed well ahead of time. The bridge was constructed by BRO under Project Chetak. The cost of construction of the bridge is Rs 17.89 crores.

Ravi River

The Ravi river is a transboundary river. It is also known by the name Iravati. The riparian states of the river include Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. The non-riparian states include Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana and Rajasthan. Under the Indus Water Treaty 1960, the waters of Ravi and other five rivers are divided between India and Pakstan.

Indus Water Treaty

The Indus Water Treaty is a water distribution treaty between India and Pakistan. The treaty was brokered by World Bank. It was signed in Karachi. According to the treaty, the eastern rivers of India Ravi, Beas and Sutlej were given to India and the waters of western rivers of India Indus, Chenab and Jhelum were given to Pakistan.


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