Breakthrough Mission Project detects 15 radio bursts from dwarf galaxy

Breakthrough Listen project has detected 15 fast radio bursts (FRBs) coming from a dwarf galaxy about 3 million light years away from earth.
The new detection was made with help of Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia. It was emitted from FRB 121102, a mysterious source associated with galaxy in the distant universe. This detection brings the total of known FRBs from this strange object to more than 150.
The first known radio burst from FRB 121102 was detected on November 2, 2012 (hence the object’s name). Two more bursts were detected in May 2015 and eight more in June 2015. It is being speculated, among other things, that this detected FRB is an energy source used by extra-terrestrial (ET) civilisations to power spacecraft.

Fast radio bursts (FRB)

FRB is brief, bright pulse of radio emission from distant galaxies. It was first detected in 2007 with help of Parkes Telescope in Australia. It is a high-energy astrophysical phenomenon of unknown origin manifested as  transient radio pulse lasting only a few milliseconds.

Breakthrough Listen Project (BLP)

BLP is US$100-million global astronomical initiative launched in 2015 by Internet investor Yuri Milner and cosmologist Stephen Hawking. It has teams from around the world to find signs of intelligent life in universe.  The 10-year programme aims to survey 1,000,000 closest stars to Earth by scanning entire galactic plane of Milky Way. It will listen for messages from the 100 closest galaxies at 10 billion different frequencies originated beyond our galaxy.


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