BIS Standards for Biodegradable Agri By-Product Utensils

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has introduced a significant standard, IS 18267: 2023, for food serving utensils made from agri by-products. This standard aims to reduce plastic pollution, promote sustainability, and bring numerous benefits to various stakeholders. 

Reducing Plastic Pollution and Promoting Sustainability 

IS 18267: 2023 sets out to tackle the pressing issue of plastic pollution by encouraging the use of biodegradable agri by-product utensils. These utensils offer multiple advantages, including environmental safety, conservation of natural resources, and the promotion of a circular economy. By reducing dependence on single-use plastics, these utensils pave the way for a more sustainable future. 

Economic Opportunities for Farmers 

One of the key benefits of this standard is the creation of economic opportunities for farmers. By utilizing agricultural by-products, such as leaves and sheaths, as preferred materials for utensil production, farmers can generate additional income. This promotes a symbiotic relationship between the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, supporting sustainable agricultural practices and contributing to rural development. 

Market Potential and Manufacturer Benefits 

The market potential for biodegradable utensils is promising. The projected market size for disposable plates alone is estimated to reach USD 6.73 Billion by 2028. Large-scale and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) level manufacturers stand to benefit significantly from this standard. The demand for biodegradable cutlery is consistently rising, providing ample opportunities for manufacturers to meet the market’s needs. 

Recommended Manufacturing Techniques and Key Requirements 

IS 18267: 2023 outlines preferred manufacturing techniques such as hot pressing, cold pressing, moulding, and stitching. These techniques ensure the production of quality utensils with smooth surfaces and non-sharp edges. The standard also emphasizes the prohibition of harmful chemicals, resins, and adhesives, ensuring consumer safety and well-being. 

Uniformity in Quality Requirements 

A fundamental objective of the standard is to establish uniformity in quality requirements across the country. By providing comprehensive guidelines, IS 18267: 2023 ensures that manufacturers and consumers adhere to consistent standards. This promotes consumer confidence, enhances the reputation of biodegradable utensils, and fosters a competitive and responsible market. 



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