Birth rate, death rate & IMR data released by Registrar General of India

On May 10, 2020, the Registrar General of India released data on the national birth rate, death rate and infant mortality rate for the year 2018. The data complied on these statistics is called as the Sample Registration System.

Key findings

According to the data released, the national birth rate stood at 20, death rate at 6.2 and infant mortality rate at 32.

Madhya Pradesh had the least IMR in the country and Nagaland had the best. Andaman and Nicobar Islands had the least birth rates, while Bihar had the highest. Delhi had the lowest death rates and Chhattisgarh had the highest.

Infant Mortality Rate

The IMR according to the data has declined about one-fourth as compared to 1971 census. In the last decade, around 35% decline of IMR has been witnessed in rural areas.

Sample Registration System

It is a demographic survey that provides annual estimates on birth rate, death rate and infant mortality rate. It also issues mortality indicators at national and sub national levels.

The system was initiated in a few states in 1964-65. Later it became completely operational throughout India in 1969-70.


The field investigation of SRS consists of continuous enumeration of births and deaths. The survey is also conducted by the Anganwadi workers every 6 months. The data obtained are matched.


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