Birsa Munda

Birsa was an Indian Tribal Freedom Fighter. He belonged to the Munda tribe. He was called “Dharti Abba” which means “Father of the Earth”.

Who was Birsa Munda?

Birsa Munda was born on November 15, 1875. He was born in Ulihatu village (now in Jharkhand). His family left Ulihatu in search of employment. They went to Birbanki. There Munda came in contact with the Christian missionary. These missionaries visited few families in villages who had converted to Christianity. In order to join a German Mission School, like the others, Birsa also converted to Christianity.

How is Janjatiya Divas connected to Birsa Munda?

In 2021, the Government of India celebrated Janjatiya Gaurav Divas on November 15 (the birth anniversary of Birsa Munda). The day was celebrated to remember the contribution of tribal freedom fighters. It was a part of the year long celebration of 75th anniversary of Indian independence, Amrit Mahotsav. November 15 was chosen to celebrate Janjatiya Divas as it is the birth date of Birsa Munda.

What is Kuntkatti System practiced by Birsa Munda?

Khuntkatti means joint holding of land by tribal. The British colonial system was transforming the traditional land holding system to Zamindari – tenancy system. The outsiders called Dikus were invited by the Britishers to cultivate on tribal lands. Thus, Birsa adopted Khuntkatti system to protect the lands of his tribe.

What is Munda Rebellion led by Birsa?

Birsa urged the tribals to destroy the Dikus and Europeans. They called them Ravana. He infused the tribal people the values of respect, love and support. He announced that the rule of Queen Victoria was over. And not Munda Raj has begun. Also, he ordered the tenant farmers to not pay rent. Following these protests, hundreds of Munda tribals were massacred at Dumbri Hill. This made the hill “Hill of the Dead”. The slogan of the movement was “Let the Kingdom of queen be ended and our kingdom established”. This was widely called the Munda Rebellion or the Great Tumult.

What are the consequences of Munda Rebellion?

The Munda Rebellion led to the “Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act”. The British Government was forced to abolish feudal system in Bihar and Jharkhand. Birsa also compelled the Britishers to establish “Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act”. The act prevented the transfer of tribal land to the non – tribal parties. Also, the Government banned forced labour and recognized Khunkatti rights.

What is the name of the new religion invented by Birsa Munda?

Birsait. In Birsait, Birsa worshipped only one god. He soon became popular among the Oraons as well. He preached strong anti – British sentiments through the Birsait religion. Also, he used to religion to oppose and criticize Church practices.

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