Biodigester Technology & Bio-toilet

Biodigester Bio-toilets are an innovative technology, developed by the DRDE, Gwalior and Defence Research Laboratory (DRL), Tezpur under DRDO-Ministry of Defense, for disposal of human waste in eco-friendly manner. DRDO’s bio-toilet is based on anaerobic biodegradation of organic waste by unique microbial consortium and works at a wide temperature range.

Features of Biotoilet

Technology used to decompose biological waste generated by soldiers deployed in high-altitude regions such as Siachen and Ladakh.

Low Cost

  • Can function at any atmospheric temp between -55 to 60 degree C.
  • Uses a bacterial consortium that degrades night soil at temp as low as -55 degree C and produces colorless, odorless and inflammable bio gas containing 50 – 70% methane.
  • Disposes human waste in a 100 % eco-friendly manner and allows complete elimination of pathogens.
  • Generates color less, odor less inflammable bio gas (can be used for cooking heating) and absolutely clear odor less water. Water is full of nutrients and minerals and is good for irrigation purpose of nearby gardens, lawns etc.
  • Suitable for subzero temperature of Himalayan region, glaciers, railway coaches, Buses, highways, remote areas, sea ports, mining area, metro cities etc.
  • 100% maintenance free, continuous biological process and economically viable.
  • No dependence on the limited and costly conventional energy sources.
  • Inoculums charging is only once during the entire life of bio-toilet.
  • No need of connectivity to the sewage line, septic tank. No disposal of sludge is required.
  • Routine cleaning chemicals like phenyl, soap, kerosene etc. do not harm bio-toilet or the inoculums.

The process involves the bacteria, which feed upon the faecal matter inside the tank, through anaerobic process which finally degrades the matter and releases methane gas that can be used for cooking, along with the treated water.

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