“Bhoomi Samman” 2023

The “Bhoomi Samman” 2023 is set to be presented by the President of India on 18th July 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. This prestigious award ceremony aims to acknowledge the outstanding performance of individuals and teams in the implementation of the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP).  

Celebrating Excellence 

A total of 9 State Secretaries and 68 District Collectors, along with their dedicated teams, will receive the esteemed “Bhoomi Samman” in recognition of their exceptional achievements. These individuals have excelled in achieving saturation of the core components of the DILRMP, making significant contributions to the digitization and computerization of land records. 

Empowering DILRMP 

The “Bhoomi Samman” Scheme primarily aims to acknowledge and encourage outstanding performance in the implementation of the DILRMP. This program is instrumental in modernizing land records and registration processes, streamlining administrative procedures, and ensuring transparency and efficiency in governance. 

Path to 100% Digitization 

The Department of Land Resources has set an ambitious target of achieving 100% saturation in the digitization of land records across all districts of the country by 31st March 2024. The “Bhoomi Samman” serves as an inspiration and testament to the dedicated efforts made by these individuals and teams in realizing this goal. 

Platinum Grading for Excellence 

Districts that successfully achieve 100% targets in the core components of the DILRMP receive the prestigious Platinum Grading. This recognition signifies their exceptional performance and commitment to embracing digital transformation and modernization in the land records domain. 

Building Trust and Partnership 

The “Bhoomi Samman” Scheme exemplifies the principles of cooperative federalism and trust between the central and state governments. The grading system for the awards is based on the performance reports and inputs provided by the states and union territories, fostering a strong partnership in the computerization and digitization of land records. 



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