Basohli Painting and GI Tag

The world-famous Basohli Painting from the Kathua district in Jammu and Kashmir has obtained the Geographical Indication (GI) Tag. This is the first time in the history of GI registration that the Jammu region got a GI tag for handicrafts. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Jammu granted the GI tag to Basohli Painting after a long legal process.

What is Geographical Indication (GI)?

Geographical Indication (GI) is a type of Intellectual Property right granted to goods that originate in a specific geographical location and have distinct nature, quality, and characteristics that are linked to that location. GI tagging provides legal protection to registered products and promotes economic prosperity for producers and related stakeholders, including contribution to the GDP of the country.

Initiation of the GI Tagging Process

In December 2020, NABARD in consultation with the Department of Handicrafts and Handloom initiated the process for GI tagging of 9 products of the Jammu region during the difficult times of COVID. The GI tags have now finally been granted to these products, including Basohli Painting, after a long legal process.

Exclusive Right for Authorized Users

Since only authorized users within a specific place have the right to use the GI tag in relation to registered products, manufacturers are not allowed copy it from beyond their geographical areas. The Geographical Indication prevents unauthorized use of registered Geographical Indication goods by third parties and promotes economic prosperity of producers.

Basohli Painting

Basohli painting is known for its bold vitality of color and line. It is a school of Pahari miniature painting that flourished in the Indian hill states during the late 17th and the 18th centuries, with its principal center of style in the small independent state of Basohli. The oblong format is favored, with the picture space usually delineated by architectural detail, which often breaks into the characteristic red borders.



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