Banking, Finance & Economy Current Affairs Quiz -October 29, 2022
October 29, 2022 October 29, 2022

1. Which state government has Jakson Green signed an MoU to invest Rs 22,400 crore in a phased green hydrogen and ammonia project?
[A] Maharashtra
[B] Gujarat
[C] Uttar Pradesh
[D] Rajasthan
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Correct Answer: D [Rajasthan]
In Rajasthan, Jakson Green has decided to invest a total of Rs 22,400 crore over the course of many stages in the development of a green hydrogen and green ammonia plant.
2. Which of the following agencies/ministries has issued a press notice on the country’s employment outlook from September 2017 to August 2022 based on administrative data from selected government agencies?
[A] Labour Bureau
[B] National Statistical Office
[C] Reserve Bank of India
[D] Office of Economic Advisor
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Correct Answer: B [National Statistical Office]
The National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the press note on Employment Outlook of the country covering the period September, 2017 to August, 2022 based on the administrative records available with selected government agencies to assess the progress in certain dimensions.
3. Which of the following soft drinks will be a $1 billion brand in the Indian market by October 2022?
[A] Fanta
[B] Limca
[C] Kinley
[D] Sprite
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Correct Answer: D [Sprite]
The Coca-Cola Company, a major player in the global market for soft drinks, recently announced that the lemon- and lime-flavored soft drink Sprite it sells in India has become a brand value 1 billion dollars. The company said that the success of the brand was due to globally adaptable occasion-based marketing strategies that were locally modified.
4. Who was appointed as the interim head of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) by the government?
[A] Soniya Sharma
[B] Sangeeta Verma
[C] Preeti Gaur
[D] Bhavana Kumari
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Correct Answer: B [Sangeeta Verma]
The government appointed Sangeeta Verma as the acting chairperson of the Competition Commission of India (CCI). The appointment follows full-time Chairperson Ashok Kumar Gupta demitting office in October 2022. Verma is currently a member at the regulator.Gupta had taken over as the CCI chairperson in November 2018.
5. According to the Kantar BrandZ analysis, which of the following has become India’s most valuable brand?
[A] Tata
[B] Infosys
[D] HDFC Bank
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Correct Answer: C [TCS]
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is India’s most-valuable brand in 2022 replacing HDFC Bank, which held the number one spot since 2014, according to Kantar BrandZ report on India’s most-valuable brands.