Yes Bank lists $600 million MTN bond on India INX

India’s fifth largest private sector lender Yes Bank has listed $600 million bond issued under its maiden $1 billion MTN programme on Global Securities Market (GSM) of India INX. The bank will use proceeds from this bond to fund the bank’s IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) in Gift City and expand IBU’s rapidly growing business opportunities.

Key Facts

Yes Bank’s MTN (medium term note) bonds issuance has received overwhelming response from international investors. It has been already listed on London Stock Exchange International Securities Market (LSE ISM) and Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX).

India International Exchange (India INX)

Indai-INX is India’s first international exchange at IFSC Gujarat International Financial Tech (GIFT) City, Gandhinagar (Gujarat). It is wholly-owned subsidiary of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), through its global bourse. It is one of world’s most advanced and fastest trading technology platforms with turn-around time of 4 micro seconds. It operates for 22 hours a day allowing international investors and NRIs to trade from anywhere across globe. It trades in equity derivatives, currency derivatives, commodity derivatives including Index and Stocks. It also offers depository receipts and bonds.


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