B.H.U. Act 1915
In 1915, under Lord Hardinge, BHU act was passed by which Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya established the Banaras Hindu University.
The idea of this university was mooted as early as 1904. Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya was a barrsiter from Allahabad, but his Karmabhoomi was Varanasi.
- In 1907, Annie Besant had also mooted as idea of establishing the “University of India” at Varanasi and she also submitted a memorandum for grant of Royal charter.
- In April 1911, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya and Annie Besant decided to unite their forces and work for a common Hindu University at Varanasi. This culminated in the “The Hindu University Society”.
- Thus BHU started as a registered socirty in December 1911 and its president was Maharaja of Darbhanga Sir Rameshwar Singh Bahadur.
- However, to carry out the scheme, a sum of Rupees 50 Lakh was required. This target was achieved by 1915.
The Central Hindu College was made the part of the University. This was followed by a Bill in the Imperial Legislative Council in March, 1915 by Sir Harcourt Butler. This Banaras Hindu University Bill was passed in October 1915 and on February 4, 1916, Lord Hardinge, laid the foundation stone of the University.