Australia raises its Alert level to high

Australia is generally a peace-loving country and it has not been long since it has raised its alert level to high in a system with 4 levels of risks associated viz. Low, medium, high and extreme.
High means that it is highly likely that a terror attack may occur as there are people in and around the nation who are capable of bringing out such attacks. However, there is no specific intelligence which suggests that it is very near in future. The new level of alert will not affect daily lives of Australians but will be felt by increased police force at major checkpoints at airports, more personnel at ports, military bases, government buildings and more security at large public gatherings and special events.
The threat level which has been raised due to the increased level of jihadist activity and extremism in the Middle East in which as reports suggested even some Australian youth have participated and are involved. Islamic State has been recognized as a terrible menace and a grave threat to the civilized world. Lately, even President Obama in his national address to the nation on September 11, declared a comprehensive strategy to deal with ISIS and completely degrade and destroy them.
The recent weeks also saw raising the terrorist alert to the second highest level. This was again done as the reports have poured in of a large number of British Muslim youth have gone to Iraq and joined the Islamic State militants.
Director-general of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO), David Irvine told the media that, “they are of concern because, if they come home, they come home with training and with potentially increased intent.” Australian intelligence reports suggest that there are atleast 60 Australians



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