Australia: In-principal support for net zero by 2050

Australian Cabinet is set to consider conditions that junior coalition partner of government has placed on committing to the target of zero net carbon emissions by 2050.

Key Facts

  • In-principal support of the Nationals party for the target was agreed at a meeting on October 24, 2021.
  • This support is significant for Australia as the Prime Minister Scott Morrison wants to take a more ambitious plan for reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, in the backdrop of UN summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

Emissions in Australia

Reducing emissions in Australia is a politically fraught issue. Australia is among world’s largest exporters of coal and liquified natural gas. It is also one of the world’s worst greenhouse gas emitters per capita due to its heavy reliance on coal-fired power.

Australia’s pledge on Paris deal

Australia has not moved from its 2015 pledge at Paris climate summit, to reduce emissions by 26%-28% by 2030, well below 2005 levels.

The Glasgow Summit

The Glasgow Summit is also known as COP26. The summit is due held from October 31, 2021, to November 12, 2021. The summit will assess progress made by countries in accordance with the Paris climate deal to limit warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius. This summit is the third meeting of the parties to Paris Agreement (CMA2) and 26th Conference of the Parties (COP)” to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

United Nations Climate Change Conference

United Nations Climate Change Conference are held under the framework of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), yearly. Conferences are held to assess progress in dealing with climate change as well as to negotiate the Kyoto Protocol.


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