August 12: International Youth Day

The International Youth Day is observed on August 12, every year.


  • On the occasion, governments and citizens from across the globe come together in order to recognise and bring attention towards problems faced by the youth.
  • This day is celebrated by several awareness campaigns, community concerts, and events that bring the socio-economic and socio-political issues, that the youth in every nation face, to notice.


United Nations announced to commemorate International Youth Day every year on August 12 in the year 1999. It was announced on the basis of recommendation made by “World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth” to the UN General Assembly in Lisbon.

Theme For International Youth Day 2021

United Nations decides a theme each year which is relevant to all global communities and citizens. This year, the day was observed under the theme “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health”.

Significance of the theme

As per the United Nations, theme of this year highlights the crucial need for “inclusive support mechanisms which ensure youth continue to amplify efforts collectively and individually in order to restore the planet and protect life besides integrating biodiversity to transform the food systems. Apart from that, the theme also addresses other challenges like healthcare, climate change, social inclusion and conservation of biodiversity.

Theme in 2020

Theme for International Youth Day in 2020 was ‘Youth Engagement for Global Action’. Theme highlighted the areas like engagement at community level, at the national level (to formulate laws and policies along with their implementation) as well as the engagement at the global level.


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