Atal Tinkering Labs & Engage with Science to collaborate for perennial activities – Highlights

Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), a flagship initiative of NITI Aayog announced to collaborate with Vigyan Prasar which is an autonomous organization of the Department of Science & Technology, to drive synergies between Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) of AIM and ‘Engage With Science (EWS)’ of Vigyan Prasar.


  • As a part of collaboration, ‘Engage with Science’ will onboard all the ATL-enabled schools and engage their principals, teachers & students in perennial activities.
  • These activities will help in accumulating points on the basis of which, incentives and certificates will be provided to motivate students and teachers regarding STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) content consumption.

Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs)

  • Atal Innovation Mission has set up more than 9200+ Atal Tinkering Laboratories across schools in India, with an objective of ‘cultivating one Million children in India as Neoteric Innovators’.
  • ATLs were set up with the aim of fostering curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young minds as well as inculcating skills like computational thinking, design mindset, physical computing and adaptive learning, etc.
  • ATL is a workspace where young minds learn skills through hands on ‘do-it-yourself mode’ and give shape to their ideas.
  • Children get a chance to work on tools and equipment in order to understand the concepts of STEM.

Significance of the collaboration

Collaboration between AIM and Vigyan Prasar will play a significant role in reviving and updating education practices for keeping up with technological advances. Engage with Science program with ATLs will help in fostering culture of STEM innovation. It will also serve as a platform where young minds are exposed to experiential learning while focusing on innovation, invention, and collaborative problem-solving to maximize impact.


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