Assam became the First State to legally ban smokeless tobacco

Assam became the first state to legally ban consumption of all forms of smokeless tobacco, including pan masala containing tobacco and nicotine. Thus sale, consumption, manufacturing, trading, storage and advertisement of all forms of smokeless tobacco including pan masala have been banned in Assam.
 Provisions of (Ban on Smokeless Tobacco ) Act

  • Ban on all kind of advertisement, distribution, promotion, production, sale, trade and business. Any thing which promotes tobacco consumption is come under this act.
  • Any forms which contain tobacco are prohibited in the state viz. pan masala, gutkha, khaini, etc.
  • For violating the law, one shall be punished with imprisonment up to 7 years and fine between Rs.1 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh.
  • Consumption or possession of zarda, gutka and pan masala containing tobacco shall be punished with a fine of Rs. 1000 for the first offence and Rs. 2000 for each subsequent offence. 

Though many states have imposed similar bans under the food safety regulation, Assam would be the first to impose the ban through legislature.
Note: Smokeless tobacco accounts for 90% of oral cancers.



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