Aspirin found to reduce risk of colon cancer

Lynch Syndrome is a genetic anomaly that predisposes a person to developing colorectal cancer and a range of other solid organ cancers. Recently it has been found that Aspirin, the drug used by millions of people to protect their heart, has been found to drastically reduce colorectal cancer rates among those who have an increased hereditary risk. The study conducted by Newcastle University in UK on 1000 patients in 16 countries has revelaed that 600 mg aspirin per day for a mean of 25 months substantially reduced cancer incidence after 55.7 months in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer.

About Aspirin:

Aspirin is a brand/ trade name by Bayer while its generic/ scientific name is acetylsalicylic acid. It is used as an analgesic to relieve minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce fever, and as an anti-inflammatory medication. It is also used in prevention of heart attacks and strokes.



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