Aspects of Land Territory during Rid Vedic Era

During the Rig Vedic Culture, the tribe was known as Jana. The chief of the tribe was a Rajan. Rajan was protector of the tribe and its cattle. He fought wars on behalf of his Jana. Rajan was used for the tribal chief who was primarily a military chieftain leading the tribe in wars for the sake of taking possession of cows and other cattle wealth but not taking over possession of territories. This implies that the concept of land territory was completely absent in early Rig Vedic Era. The absence of territory is also proved by the fact that the term Jana appears many times in Rig-Veda but Janapada never appears. The term Rajya appears once and Rashtra appears for 10 times. It has been thus concluded that the territorial aspect of the polity appeared in the end of the Rig-Vedic Period.

Here we must note that the Rajan was the leader of the people belonging to a particular tribe and not the ruler of any territory. This is why he was known as Janasya gopa or Gopati Janasya.

The rajan was one of the equals whose position was hereditary position generally but there are several reference, which suggest that the Rajan owned his office to the choice of the people. The Atharvaveda gives references for the election of the king by the tribesmen (visa).

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