First ever arrested landing of Naval Tejas successfully executed in Goa

The First ever arrested landing of Naval variant of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas, a 4.5 generation, light weight, multirole fighter was successfully executed at the Shore Based Test Facility (SBTF), INS Hansa in Goa. This will pave the way for this Indigenous platform to undertake Aircraft Carrier landing demonstration on board the Indian Naval Aircraft Carrier, Vikramaditya.

Key Highlights

The LCA (Navy) Flight Test Team was led by Cmde J A Maolankar (Chief Test Pilot), Capt Shivnath Dahiya (LSO) and Cdr J D Raturi (Test Director).

They successfully executed a text book arrested landing that heralds the arrival of true indigenous capability and displays professional prowess of our scientific community Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) embedded with design and build capability of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Aircraft Research and Design Centre (ARDC), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Labs involved in executing this land mark event.

Other Participants– Certification Agency (CEMILAC), Quality Agency (DGAQA) and all the men and women on the ground who serviced the aircraft and monitored it during strenuous trails.

Besides marking the beginning of a new era where multiple agencies have come together to achieve a common goal, this event has also put India on the world map as a country with capability to design a deck landing aircraft.

What is Shore Based Test Facility (SBTF)?

SBTF replicates the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. It was built to train naval pilots in complex manoeuvres of landing on short flight deck of an aircraft carrier before they move on to actual carrier.


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