April Mega Quiz : Based Upon Current Affairs

1.A convergence programme to be operated jointly by the Rajasthan Government and the United Nations agencies for achievement of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has been launched in how many districts of the state?

2.Which country has recently emerged as India’s largest defense supplier?

3.Recently , Maharastra government challenged the constitutional validity of certain provisions which of the acts?

4.What was India’s rank in UNESCO’s latest list of countries having the maximum number of dialects on verge of extinction?

5.The central board of Trustees of Employees Provident Fund has recommended what rate of interest for 2008-09?

6.Recently BSNL launched which plan which has a less than Re. 1 tariff between two destination of the country?

7.Recently , Union Cabinet’s committee on Economic Affairs gave its approval to which company to subscribe to and acquire 27% equity in Tata Teleservices?

8.How much Dearness Allowance (DA) was recently approved by CCEA for Central Government Employees?

9.In which plan BSNL announced Rs. 1 a minute for a video call while launching 3G mobile services in 11 cities ?

10.In March 2009 , director of FBI met Home Minister P Chidambaram in New Delhi and discuss security and terrorism related issues. What is his name?

11.First time in the History , Coal India Ltd won two coal blocks for exploration in which country ?

12.Where was the 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health was held recently (March 8, 2009)

13.Which committee has recently submitted its report on ” Renovation and Rejuvenation of Universities” ?

14.Recently archaeologists unearthed a stone anchor with a design similar to Chinese and Japanese Ships of 12th century AD, giving indication of India’s Trade Relation with Asian Countries. Where?

15.Which sports man in branded as ” Fastest Man on Earth” ?

16.How many medals , the Indian Archers won in Asian Grand prix Championship in Bangkok Thailand in February 2009?

17.According to a recent UN report , Indian Economy is expected to grow by what rate in percentage in 2009?

18.Who won the Men’s Singles Title in Indian Open Badminton Championship 2009?

19.Where was Indian Open Badminton Championship 2009 held?

20.Who won the women’s singles title Indian Open Badminton Championship 2009?

21.According to a research conducted by healthcare researchers Deloitte, what is India’s Rank in Medical Tourism?

22.N Sundardevan Committee is enquiring into what matter?

23.For the 12th Five Year plan Government of Rajasthan has invited leading power companies to buy how much power?

24.Which team won Vija Harare Trophy in March 2009?

25.What is the name of the European satellite launched in 2009, which will show the Inner working of earth, from the movements of ocean currents to the location of oil deposits?

26.Italy and Switzerland have decided to redraw their borders . What is the reason of

27.On what date Earth Hour was observed?

28.Recently , as per a report a team of researchers are on target to create unlimited quantities of “synthetic” human blood (by British scientists ). What will be the main source of this?

29.Who won the Dubai World Cup 2009 in March 2009?

30.Recently Charles Simonyi was in news for what?

31.What was bank Rate on 4th March 2009?

32.What was Repo Rate & Reserve Repo Rate since March 4, 2009?

33.Which PSU has recently emerged as top profit making central PSU?

34.Recently which two Indian companies merged to create 25% approximately of world’s total complex refining capacity?

35.What was the RIL-RPL merger ratio?

36.On week ended march 20, 2009 what was India’s Inflation Rate?

37.What was the rate of Inflation in march 2008?

38.How many gears are there in Nano?

39.Who has been declared the single largest loser by Forbes Magazine in the global recession as his fortune declines 2/3rd?

40.Who are the three Indians among the most influential people of 2009 by Time Magazine?

41.Who won the BNP Paribas Open Championship in march 2009?

42.What was India’s export and import growth rates in February 2009?

43.…………………is a scheme being launched from April to December and is a confidence building exercise to build the confidence of a recessionary world terrorized by the Mumbai attack. Govt. of India announced which scheme to boost tourism recently?

44.What was India’s Foreign Exchange Reserve on March 20, 2009?

45.How many members will be elected for the 15th Loksabha?

46.For the first time, in how many constituencies Photo electoral Rolls will be used ?

47.In which states delimitation process was not undertaken?

48.In which three states assembly elections are taking place simultaneously to Lok Sabha Polls?

49.Which south American leader , traveled in India in March 2009 , was conferred a honorary doctorate degree by Madras University ?

50.Israel is delivering phalcon Awacs to Indian Air Force in May 2009. What is full form of Awacs?

51.What is the main use of Awacs?

52.Recently INS Parandu was commissioned. What is INS Parandu?

53.Recently the term Tax Heaven was in news. What is a tax heaven?

54.Approximately how much Foreign Money is locked in Swiss Banks?

55.International Criminal Court recently issued arrest warrant for Sudan’s President Omar al-Beshir. Genocide was one of the charges included. True / false?

56.Which country was branded as ” axis of evil ” by George Bush? Iran / Afghanistan / Pakistan / Sudan

57.Recently Fifth World Water Forum was concluded on World water Day on March 22. Where?

58.Where was the first meeting of World Water Forum held ?

59.Where was held the 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health?

60.Where will the 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health will take place?

61.African Union recently suspended the membership of which nation?

62.What was the reason of African Union to suspend membership of Madagascar?

63.On march 30, 2009, Arab League Summit was held at which place?

64.Recently , which three agreed to continue pushing forward the Six-Party talks aimed at realizing denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula ?

65.Where was the Earth Hour started ?

66.Information Technology Gyan Kendras is a scheme of which state government?

67.Recently which north east state government survived a floor test ?

68.Who has taken charge as the first ever Director General of Operations at Air Headquarters in New Delhi ?

69.Indian Government has appointed whom as the new Chief of the Indian Air Force?

70.The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has launched new coins of what denomination ? (April 11, 2009)

71.Recently which insurance Giant Launched Credit Card?

72.Ardhanarishwar, Awara, Masiha, Pankheen, Jane Anjane, Dhalti Raat, Swapnamayi, Nav Prabhat and Doctor are some works of a Hindi Writer who passed away recently . What is his name?

73.The Hoover Medal, an American engineering prize is given since 1930 for “outstanding extra-career services by engineers to humanity”. Who was given this award recently ?

74.What is the name of actor Chiranjivi’s party ?

75.Luther L Terry Awards are given for outstanding work in which field?

76.Where were held the 4th Women’s World Awards recently ?

77.Which tourist train recently begged National Tourism Award Under Most Innovative Tourism Product for year 2007-2008?

78.Mahaparinirvan Express is launched to target which tourism circuit in India?

79.Who has recently topped the list of top 10 World’s Billionaires by Forbes Magazine?

80.What was Rank of Lakshmi Mittal & Mukesh Ambani in 10 World’s Billionaires by Forbes Magazine?

81.The excavations at Utkottai in Tamil Nadu have unraveled the historical facts related to which Chola King of 11-12th Century AD?

82.Who was declared Player of Tournament in Women’s World Cup?

83.Which team won the 17th senior National Women’s Championship in Neyveli on March 2009?

84.Accenture Match Play Championship is related to which sports?

85.Which company has won three awards at the ‘Goafest 2009’ advertising festival recently (April 12, 2009)

86.A summit of Asian leaders was cancelled on after anti-government protesters swarmed into the meeting’s venue, renewing doubts about the durability of the government. Where ?

87.World Hemophilia Day is celebrated on what date?

88.IIPCAG, comprising key representatives involved inIP criminal law enforcement. What is the full form?

89.On what date World Press Freedom Day is celebrated?

90.Which north east state was brought under President Rule recently ?

91.The National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards (Nacas), on accounting policies followed by the Indian industry, has favored suspending for two years of which norms?

92.Who has written I Witness: Partial Observations?

93.Who has written the book ” The White Tiger” ?

94.Which bank launched Indo Nepal Remittance Scheme?

95.Considering the vast potential of energy savings and benefits of energy efficiency, the Government of India enacted the Energy Conservation Act in which year ?

96. which year Titanic Sank?

97.Who is the director General of UNESCO?

98.Who is the president of International Cricket Council ?


  1. Anonymous

    April 11, 2009 at 10:15 pm

    really great effort……….keep it up

  2. Shailendra Verma

    April 12, 2009 at 11:17 pm

    Great effort

  3. Anonymous

    May 15, 2009 at 1:12 am

    Thanks for uploading these informations


    May 18, 2009 at 12:43 am

    Helps in systematic assimilation of knowledge on a daily basis. Thanks for the same as we are able to be in touch wid the finer nuances.

  5. jayaprakash

    May 20, 2009 at 11:01 am

    Thanks for incorporating the information in a systematic manner. Viewer can easily use it in a fullest extent.

  6. Anonymous

    May 22, 2009 at 1:24 am

    thank u very much….

  7. malleswar

    June 2, 2009 at 3:36 am

    thank u so much for ur uncountable effort to upcoming brilliants for future of india

  8. sat

    June 15, 2009 at 2:35 am

    thanks nicework.
    can u please upload some D.R.D.O previous papers

  9. Anonymous

    June 24, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    please update mes solved paper

  10. raj

    July 7, 2009 at 2:28 am

    thanks a lot for providing updates

  11. Anonymous

    July 12, 2009 at 8:33 am

    im very greatful for these updates

  12. rohit

    September 16, 2009 at 10:43 am

    it's a remarkable efort by u ppl ….thanx a lot for keeping ur gk current affairs updated…

  13. Anonymous

    October 4, 2009 at 3:44 am


  14. Anonymous

    October 20, 2009 at 6:29 am


  15. Anonymous

    October 24, 2009 at 7:32 pm

    outstanding effort!!!!
    hats off to all those who put in their effort..

  16. abhi , tvm kerala

    December 13, 2009 at 2:31 am

    Very good effort.. thanx 4 the team.

  17. shruti

    January 18, 2010 at 9:41 am

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    please mail sum valuable suggestions fr entrace in a renowned collage/university for courses inFOREIGN LANGUAGES LIKE IGNOU & SYLLABUS &STUDY; MATERIAL RELATED TO IT.
    please increase space for international affairs in quizes


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