Anti-submarine torpedo Varunastra inducted in Indian Navy

Indigenously-built heavyweight anti-submarine torpedo Varunastra has been successfully inducted in the Indian Navy.
With this India becomes one of the eight countries in the world to have the capability to design and build such anti-submarine torpedo system.
Key Facts

  • The Varunastra torpedo has been developed by Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (NSTL), a premier laboratory of DRDO.
  • It weighs around 1.25 tonnes and carries about 250 kg of explosives at a speed of around 40 nautical miles an hour. It has almost 95% indigenous content.
  • It is capable of targeting stealthy and quiet submarines, both in deep and littoral waters in intense counter-measure environment.
  • It has advanced autonomous guidance algorithms with low drift navigational aids, insensitive warhead which can operate in various combat scenarios.
  • It has integrated instrumentation system for recording its all the dynamic parameters in case of emergency shut down or malfunction.
  • It has a GPS-based locating aid which is a unique feature in contemporary torpedoes in the world.
  • The torpedo can be launched from Delhi, Kolkata, Teg, Talwar and Kamorta classes of warships.

Torpedo: It is a self-propelled weapon with an explosive warhead. It is launched above or below the water surface and propelled underwater towards a target. It is designed to detonate either on contact with its target or in proximity to it.


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