Andhra Pradesh becomes first state to launch DNA profiling of criminals

Andhra Pradesh became the first state in the country to launch DNA Index System (DIS) for DNA (Deoxyribonucleac acid) profiling of criminals.
The system uses the latest DNA technology tool (also known as RapidHIT DNA System) developed by IntegenX of United States.
Key Facts

  • The DNA Index System (DIS) allows generation of DNA profiles from live samples like buccal swabs, saliva and blood stains etc.
  • It creates DNA profiles within 90 to 120 minutes compared to currently available technologies which take at least two days or more.
  • DIS has vast potential to bring down crimes as it can create a huge database of DNA profiles of offenders. It could also help the suspects prove their innocence.
  • With DNA in the database, repeat offenders will be easily and quickly caught which will further help to bring down crime rate.
  • The system can help resolve missing persons’ cases with on the spot DNA testing and also reduce backlogs of trying of criminal cases.

What is DNA?

  • DNA (Deoxyribonucleac acid) is the genetic material typically found in tissue of all living cells of humans as well as animals and plants.
  • It invariably contains hereditary data passed on from parent to children which is unique to each person (except in the case of identical twins). This makes DNA profiling a reliable and unique personal identification tool.

What is DNA profiling technology?

  • DNA fingerprinting or DNA profiling is method of isolating and identifying variable elements within the base-pair sequence of DNA.
  • DNA fingerprinting technology is utilised by police all over the world for fool-proof identification of criminals who leave their traces at crime scene while committing crime.
  • The technology plays a crucial role in solving crimes as it has potential to link a series of crimes by placing the suspects by linking them with the crime scene.



  1. saba

    August 24, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    Comment thanks!

  2. saba

    August 24, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    Comment thanks!


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