Anda Cell

The Anda Cell is a high security prison cell. Anda in Hindi means Egg. The cell is called as “Anda” cell for its oblong shape. These cells are present only in the central prisons of India.

About Anda Cells

The Anda Cells are specially designed cells. They are used to secure high-risk prisoners. They provide better view while monitoring and patrolling.

Security Cordons in Anda Cells

There are two security cordons. They are outer an inner. The inner cordon has limited access to operations. The outer cordon is a bit liberal. Every cell in the prison opens inward into an open space. The inmates are allowed out in turns. There are specific hours for the inmates to come out of the cell. This differs from person to person. There are more prison officers to monitor the Anda cell as compared to the barracks. Every staff member entering and exiting the Anda Cell has to sign a register. The size of Anda Cells is different in different prisons.

Solitary Confinement

The Anda Cell is not a solitary confinement. Solitary Confinement is the physical isolation for more than 22.5 hours per day. On the other hand, Anda Cell is the most isolated cell in any prison. These isolation cells have bigger courtyards. They are open from above. The Anda cells have two wings. The prisoner cannot move from one wing to the other. They are covered with iron rods on all sides and also from the above. In an Anda Cell, the prisoner is allowed to move in a small courtyard and can have conversation with the fellow inmate. Also, he can have food with the fellow inmate.

Who is kept in Anda Cell?

The Anda Cell is usually used to accommodate Naxalites, terrorists, members of organised crime syndicates and gangsters.

Who has the power to send prisoners to Anda Cell?

The Superintendent of the particular prison has the power to send prisoners to Anda Cell.

History of Anda Cell

The concept of Anda Cell originated after the murder of General Vaidya. In 1986, two Sikh militants were accused of assassinating the former Army Chief General Vaidya in Pune. These two prisoners were the first persons to be kept in Anda Cell. They were placed in Yerawada jail and were hanged.

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