An item is marked for Rs. 240 for sale. If two successive discounts of 10% and 5% are allowed on the sale price, the selling price of the article will be:
An item is marked for Rs. 240 for sale. If two successive discounts of 10% and 5% are allowed on the sale price, the selling price of the article will be:
[A]Rs. 34.80
[B]Rs. 36
[C]Rs. 204
[D]Rs. 205.20
Rs. 205.20
A single discount equal to the two successive discounts
$latex =\left ( 10+5-\frac{10\times 5}{100} \right )&s=1$% =14.5%
∴ Selling price of the article = 85.5% of Rs. 240
$latex =>\frac{85.5\times 240}{100}&s=1$=₹205.20
Hence option [D] is the right answer.