AMRUT Mission: Project updates in HP and Uttarakhand

On October 9, 2020, Ministry of housing and urban affairs reviewed the progress of AMRUT Scheme in the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.


Around 32 projects have been completed in the state of Himachal Pradesh under the scheme and 41 projects are under implementation. In the state of Uttarakhand, around 151 projects have been taken up. Of these hundred projects are under implementation and 47 have been completed.

They include new household water tap connections, sewer connections, street lights replaced with LED lights.

Under the scheme rankings, Uttarakhand was ranked 24th and Himachal Pradesh ranked 15th.

The cities have been instructed by the Ministry to take up the “catch the rain” campaign. The objective of the campaign is to conserve every drop of water. Under the campaign, rainwater harvesting will be incorporated in all structures of the cities.

Online building permission system

Both the states Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh have implemented online building permission system. This system is a part of ease of doing business in the cities.

AMRUT Scheme

It is Atal mission for rejuvenation and urban transformation. It focuses on water supply, septage management, storm water drainage to reduce flooding, green space, non-motorized urban transport.

More than 500 cities have been selected under the scheme. The cities were selected based on the following criteria

  • The cities with population more than 1 lakh
  • All the capital cities that are not covered in the above criteria
  • 10 cities from islands, tourist destinations and Hill States.
  • 13 cities on rivers with population more than 75000 and less than 1 lakh.
  • All the cities that are classified as Heritage cities under the HRIDAY scheme

HRIDAY scheme

It is the national city development and augmentation Yojana that was launched on 21st January2015. It aims to conserve heritage and increase economic growth of Heritage cities. It is being implemented by the Ministry of housing and urban affairs.


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