Amazon Quiz Answers 5 January 2020

1) What role did Hugh Edmeades perform at the ITC Royal Bengal on the 19th of December, 2019?

Answer: IPL Auctioneer

2) Rex Harrison and Eddie Murphy have both played this doctor who can talk to animals. Who is playing the same role in the upcoming movie Dolittle?

Answer:  Robert Downey Jr

3) Time Magazine has recently announced plans to recreate whose famous 1963 speech at the Lincoln Memorial, through virtual reality?

Answer: Martin Luther King Jr

4) Due to the presence of major automobile manufacturing units and allied industries, which city in India is called the Detroit of India?

Answer:  Chennai

5) Which state has launched a program called ‘Jalasathi’ to ensure the supply of safe drinking water to all inhabitants of the state?

Answer: Odisha

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