Aman Sethi: ICRC award

Aman Sethi, The Hindu ‘s Chhattisgarh correspondent won the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) award for the best Indian print media article on humanitarian issues.

His article on 3 Chhattisgarh villages burn maliciously by police commandos in March 2011 was adjudged the best among various entries from all over the country.

Nearly 300 homes and granaries were burnt in the 5-day police operation which left 3 men dead, and 3e women sexually assaulted. Mr. Sethi’s coverage based on Interviews with eyewitnesses and police sources, goad the local administration to probe the incident and send aid to the affected villages.

The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 50,000. National Commission for Minorities chairman Wajahat Habibullah moderated a panel discussion on the theme “Media Reporting on the Fate of Victims of Armed Violence” in the Award Ceremony.

ICRC Award: Instituted by the ICRC and PII (Press Institute of India). Awarded for articles published in an Indian national or regional newspaper or magazine in English or any of the Indian languages. ICRC is a 150 year-old international organization working in more than eighty countries to preserve a measure of humanity amid violence. PII is about is an organization working in India for perpetuating the standards of journalism in India via research and training programmes.


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