Alternative Meat

After the advances in developing meat alternatives from plant sources and from cell cultures in lab, start-ups are trying to replicate different ‘cuts’ of steak and chicken.

Plant-based Meat

The plant based meat alternatives (or meat analogues) are made from sources like peas, soybeans, wheat, rice, many legumes, etc. The proteins are extracted from the plant sources and subject to processes involving heating, extrusion and cooling. The process helps fabricate meat-like texture. To this other ingredients like colorants and flavourings are added.

Cultured Meat

Cultured meat is also known as in-vitro meat or lab-grown meat. It is produced by extracting cells (eg: muscle cells) from an animal and culturing it in the laboratory. The cells are then proliferated under controlled conditions to form muscle fibres. Supplements like iron and vitamin B12 are then added to it.

The Current Challenge

Though the alternative meat industry has succeeded in replicating ground meat products like mince and patties, developing products with the texture of ‘cuts’ like fillets of fish or meat is posing a challenge. The start-ups are trying to recreate the texture by extruding layers of fibres one on top of another.

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