Alphonso mango from 5 districts of Maharashtra gets Geographical Indication tag

Chennai based Geographical Indication Registry and Intellectual Property India has granted Alphonso mango from 5 districts of Maharashtra gets Geographical Indication (GI) tag. These five districts Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Palghar, Thane and Raigad are from western Konkan coastal region of State. With this recognition, Alphonso has joined list of 325 products from India with GI tag.

Alphonso mango

Alphonso, better known as ‘Hapus’ in Maharashtra is considered as king of mangoes. It is best known for its taste and also for pleasant fragrance and vibrant colour. It is in demand in domestic and international markets. It has long been one of world’s most popular fruits and is exported to various countries including Japan, Korea, Europe, US and Australia.

Geographical Indication (GI)

GI is indication used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. It is primarily given to agricultural, natural and manufactured goods having special quality and established reputation. The goods and products having tag are recognised for their origin, quality and reputation and gives it required edge in global market. It also ensures that none can use their name, giving them exclusivity.
GI is covered as element of intellectual property rights (IPRs) under Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property. At international level, GI is governed by WTO’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
In India, GI tag Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection Act), 1999 governs it. This Act is administered by Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, who is also Registrar of Geographical Indications and is based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. It comes under Ministry of Commerce and Industry
The registration of GI is valid for 10 years after which it needs to be renewed. Violation of GI tags is punishable offence under law. The purpose of GI tag enables stakeholders to authenticate their production while earning a premium and derive an improved livelihood.
The first GI in India was given to Darjeeling tea in 2004. Tirupathi Laddu, Kangra Paintings, Nagpur Orange and Kashmir Pashmina are among registered GIs in India. Karnataka tops with 38 GI products, followed by Maharashtra which has 33 GI products.  Tamil Nadu comes third with 25 GI products.


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