AIIMS Haryana Recruitment 2018 for Nursing Officer and Sister Posts

All India Institute of Medical Sciences Haryana (AIIMS Haryana) has invited applications for the vacant non-teaching group posts of Nursing Officer, Senior Medical Physicist and other vacancies. The total number of vacancies for the above mentioned post is 468 and the break up is given below. The educational qualifications required for these posts is mentioned in the official notification. All the other relevant details are mentioned in the official notification, the link for which is given below. The candidates are advised to submit the applications for these posts before the last date i.e 12th May 2018.

About the Vacancies

1. Senior Medical Physicist-01

2. Assistant Public Relation Officer-01

3. Jr. Reception Officer-01

4. Senior Medical Record Officer-01

5. Medical Record Officer-01

6. Junior Medical Record Officer-01

7. Medical Record Technician-03

8. Superintending Physics/ Occupational Therapist-01

9. Senior Physics/ Occupational Therapist-01

10.Medical Social Service Officer Grade-I-01

11. Dietician-01

12. Librarian-01

13. Technical Officer-01

14. Technical Assistant-02

15. Technician-05

16. Chief Technical Officer (Radiotherapy)-01

17. Technical Officer (Radiotherapy)-01

18. Chief Technical Officer (Radiology)-01

19. Technical Officer (Radiology)-01

20. Technical Officer (Lab)-01

21. Technician (Lab)/ Mechanical Lab, Tech-01

22. Senior Laboratory Attendant-02

23. laboratory Attendant G.D-I-03

24. Laboratory Attendant G.D II-08

25. Chief Pharmacist-01

26. Pharmacist G.D. I-01

27. Personal Assistant-02

28. Senior Programmer-01

29. Scientist IV-02

30. Scientist III-02

31. Chief Nursing Officer-01

32. Nursing Superintendent-01

33. Assistant Nursing Superintendent-05

34. Sister G.D I-40

35. Superintending Engineer-01

36. Executive Engineer-01

37. Assistant Security Officer-02

38. Sanitation Officer-01

39. Administrative Officer-01

40. Asstt. (NS)-01

41. Finance and CAo-01

42. Accounts Officer-01

43. Junior Accounts Officer-01

44. Foreman-01

45. Senior Mechanic-01

46. Stores Officer-01

47. Asstt. Stores Officer-01

48. Medical Physicist-03

49. Receptionist-01

50. Jr. Physiotherapist/ Junior Occupational Therapist-01

51. Medical Social Service Officer-01

52. Assistant Dietician-01

53. Operation Theatre Assistant-10

54. Technician (Radiotherapy)-08

55. Technician (Radiology)-06

56. Nuclear Medicine Technologist-02

57. Pharmacist G.D II-01

58. Stenographer-03

59. Programmer-01

60. Asstt. Blood Transfusion Officer-01

61. Scientist II-02

62. Scientist I-02

63. Nursing Officer-306

64. Junior Engineer Civil & Electrical-02

65. Sanitation Inspector-02

66. Asstt. Administrative Officer-01

67. Store Keeper-02

68. Librarian Gd.III-01

Last Date

  • 12th May  2018

Official Links


  1. subhash khandwl

    April 19, 2018 at 11:40 am

    sir we can not find out the application format please give instruction

  2. geet

    April 24, 2018 at 5:23 pm

    link provide karao,apply karne ke lye..

  3. Ayushi Sood

    May 5, 2018 at 2:29 pm

    not able to find application form. Kindly tell me

  4. seema sangwan

    May 5, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    Plsss provide the link for applying and download application form

  5. Neeraj singh

    May 6, 2018 at 10:31 pm

    please provide the link of submission of application form

  6. soniya kumari

    May 8, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    Plz sir upload application form and link for apply

  7. blessy

    May 8, 2018 at 8:20 pm

    upload the application form


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