Agriculture Marketing Information Network

India is a country with 70% of its population living in the villages and depending on agriculture as their main occupation timely information about the fluctuation of market price is of extreme importance. Earlier the information had been given through various media like radio, newspapers, blackboard display and public address system at market yards. These information were no longer updated and unable farmers to take decisions in marketing their produce. They were also not able to know about the prices prevailing in other markets. The farmers are, therefore, left with no alternative but to dispose of their produce in the nearest market, even at uneconomic prices. In march 2000 ministry of Agriculture launched AGMARKNET. The main purpose of this scheme is to link all important agricultural market products for effective information exchange. It has set a nation-wide information network for computerization of market related information such as market fees, speedy collection and diffusion of market information, market charges, etc. The whole scheme ensures reliability of data and regularity which will increase the efficiency in agricultural markets.

State Agricultural Marketing Boards and Directorates for Agricultural Marketing Development with Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) is responsible for all information which will be regularly broadcasted by Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) by displaying prices prevailing in the market on the notice boards and broadcasting through All India Radio etc. These information will be also shared with State & Central Government. The details of all market price shall be maintained by APMC.

AGMARKNET is a NICNET (National Informatics Centre Network) for transmission of market price to State Agricultural Marketing Board/Directorate for analysis. The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) have categorized about 735 Wholesale Markets, 48 State Agricultural Marketing Boards and Directorates and 27 DMI offices to implement AGMARKNET Scheme. The database will cover covering 300 commodities and 2000 varieties of market products. Price information available on the AGMARKNET portal is shared with IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Limited (IKSL).  IKSL is providing the price information to the farmers through Voice Mail and SMS through Mobile Phones free of cost in 18 states in 11 regional languages who have registered with them.

Secretary of APMC should ensure that data on arrival/prices in the market is uploaded by the DEO ( Data Entry Operators) everyday latest by 5 pm and verify the correctness. The officers of SAMB/Department. should monitor the data reporting by the APMCs at district/division/state level.

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