According to the IRCTC survey, which railway station has been named the cleanest in India?

According to the IRCTC survey, which railway station has been named the cleanest in India?
[A]Varanasi railway station
[B]Surat railway station
[C]Rajkot railway station
[D]Bilaspur railway station

Surat railway station
According to an Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) survey, the Surat railway station has been named the cleanest in India in the A1 category, followed by Rajkot, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh), etc. The survey, conducted across 407 stations and based on the feedback of around 1.34 lakh passengers, classified the stations into ‘A’ and ‘A1′ categories based on their traffic. For A category railway stations, the Beas railway station topped the list followed by Gandhidham in Ahmedabad, Vasco-da-Gama, Jamnagar, etc.

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