Academic Freedom Index Report 2023

The Academic Freedom Index report evaluates academic freedom in 179 countries by analyzing five indicators, including the freedom to teach and research, academic exchange and dissemination, university autonomy, campus integrity, and academic and cultural expression. The report is based on assessments from over 2,197 experts from around the world. The Academic freedom of India is in the bottom 30% of the 179 countries.

Academic Freedom Index Report 2023

According to the report released on February 2, 2023, India scored 0.38 on a scale of 0 (low) to 1 (high), which is lower than Pakistan’s score of 0.43 and the United States’ score of 0.79. It performed poorly in campus integrity, institutional autonomy and academic and cultural expression. It did slightly well in freedom to teach and research and space of academic exchange and dissemination. China scored 0.07, putting it in the bottom 10% of the countries. The report noted the pressure on all aspects of academic freedom in the country.

What does the Academic Freedom Index Report say about India?

The score of India’s campus integrity was shallow. Campuses in the country are not so free from political interference. Security infringements on Indian academic campuses are also low. According to the report, the institutional autonomy of Indian institutions was also very poor. Especially, the autonomy of the institutions in expressing political issues was poor. Indian institutions did well in Freedom to research, freedom of academic exchange, and freedom to teach.

Why is the performance of India bad?

There is a lack of legal framework. India has to bring in strict laws against attacks on academic freedom. The consequences of declining academic freedom in the second most populous country in the world may bring in adverse impacts globally. University leaders, Higher education policymakers, and research funders should come together and bring an integrated solution.



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