Aadhaar vs NPR in Achieving Developmental Benefits and Equitable Growth

The Indian government has implemented two parallel schemes, the Aadhaar Card and the National Population Register (NPR), with the former being voluntary and the latter being compulsory. These schemes have sparked debates and legal challenges at the national level. In this article, we will discuss the merits of both schemes and whether or not they need to be run concurrently. We will also analyze the potential of these schemes to achieve developmental benefits and equitable growth.

Aadhaar Card vs. National Population Register (NPR)

Though there is overlap between Aadhaar and NPR to a certain extent, there are some essential differences between them and the purpose they serve. Aadhaar revolves around the Aadhaar number, which is similar to the social security number in the United States, rather than the physical card itself. The Aadhaar number is then linked to NPR, wherein the Aadhaar number is required as part of the NPR registry. The NPR is compulsory, and when one applies to the NPR registry, their data is sent to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) for the generation of an Aadhaar number, in case the person doesn’t already have one.

Could Aadhaar Have Been Subsumed Under the NPR?

Technically, Aadhaar could have been subsumed under the larger NPR mechanism, thus saving time, efforts, and expenditure. However, the linking of Aadhaar to the government-run schemes and programs gives it a renewed and additional purpose other than that of identification and collation of biometric data.

Benefits of Aadhaar

With Aadhaar, the government subsidies and other benefits can be directly transferred to the deserving persons without the deployment of intermediaries, which increases inefficiency and also reduces the inherent economic and other inequities in society. This can lead to a more efficient use of resources and a reduction in corruption.


While the NPR is a much-required step for the government to create a database of Indian residents and evolve an identification mechanism, the Aadhaar card provides developmental benefits. Both schemes are necessary for the government to achieve its goals of equitable growth and development, and they should be run concurrently. However, the government should also be mindful of concerns about privacy and security and take necessary measures to protect citizens’ personal data.

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