Which state government has recently launched pilot project of e-complaint system?
Which state government has recently launched pilot project of e-complaint system?
[A]Tamil Nadu
The Maharashtra government has recently launched a pilot project of e-complaint system on an experimental basis in Pune. Now, citizens can register a police complaint online at any city police station from anywhere. To register online complaint, a citizen will have to first create a user name and password on “www.mhpolice.maharashtra.gov.in”. According to the police, people can write their complaints in up to 12,000 words and send it online. It will be analyzed by the police station concerned and if it is found to becognizable in nature, the person will be called to the police station for registration of the FIR. Also, a new SMS gateway has been launched wherein people get acknowledgement of the FIR on phone through a system generated SMS and also when accused are arrested, chargesheet/final report submitted in the court. As per current laws, FIRs have to be registered at the police station only.